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Abril, 2022


Próxima sesión informativa:

20 de mayo

Hora: 6 pm (Mx)

Via Zoom

ID: 881 7613 9985

Passcode: YAXKIN


El distintivo WECAN associated institute hace que la formación  sea oficialmente reconocida en todo el mundo.

Yaxkin es un nuevo centro de formación de maestros de jardín de infancia, reconocido plenamente por WECAN, que ha nacido en Playa del Carmen, teniendo sede dentro de la escula Ak'Luum. Yaxkin está cumpliendo sus primeros 5 años de vida, y graduando a sus primeros maestros de primera infancia Waldorf esta primavera.


El programa está basado en los Principios Compartidos por el Comité de Educación de Maestros de la Primera Infancia de WECAN, en colaboración con el Grupo de Trabajo de la Asociación Internacional para la Educación de la Primera Infancia Steiner / Waldorf (IASWECE).

Playa del Carmen está estratégicamente conectado con todo México y América.

Sobre costos de la formación, es muy particular porque no hay un costo definido como en otros programas que se ofrecen en México, sino que los gastos de la formación se dividen entre todos los participantes (autogestión), y cuantos más sean en el grupo, más accesible será para todos.


Se paga por módulo, y son 18 en total. Es un formato híbrido, siendo presencial dos veces al año.

Las generaciones son completas, es decir, inicias y terminas con tu grupo, a diferencia de otros centros donde puedes dejar en stand by tu formación dado ques es por autogestión, y romper el compromiso, pondría en riesgo a todo el grupo.


Conoce más sobre YAXKIN en este link.

November, 2021

Training designed and delivered by HELLE HECKMANN

"The keys behind Waldorf education in kindergartens"

"The Keys behind a Waldorf kindergarten"

Helle Heckmann, prestigious and internationally recognized as one of the most important figures in Waldorf education in kindergartens, will visit Monterrey in January 2022. She was the first person to open a Waldorf kindergarten in the world, and her knowledge and experience has transcended borders. Thanks to her, the Waldorf kindergartens began to open their doors to the little ones.

Umai organizes a series of conferences and intensive training directed and designed by Helle Heckmann for educators as well as parents, public servants, associations and NGOs, and anyone with an interest in learning more about the keys to raising children of 0 to 7 years old at this time when we have to live on technology, work of both parents, and stress that make it difficult to raise our little ones, especially in large cities.


Childhood is the golden age, it is the age where the foundations of who our children will be as adults are laid. It is this golden age that is being put at greatest risk due to the difficulty of reconciling family and society and the environment that surrounds us.

In addition to advising and providing evaluation training for Waldorf schools, Helle provides training in countries outside Europe such as the United States, India or Korea. In Latin America Helle has worked on the development of Waldorf educators and schools in Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador.

Helle will share her expertise with us and we are sure it will be a great inspiration for educators and families, public servants working in early childhood education and care.

Under the theme "The keys behind a Waldorf kindergarten ", we have lovingly prepared the following program of lectures and training.  Visit this link to learn more details .

Visit this link to register for the conferences.

July, 2020

WALDORF TRAINING- this course was postponed due to lack of enough attendees-  

There is a great need to train educators and professionals in Waldorf pedagogy in the North of Mexico as well as in the South of the USA so that new Waldorf schools can be established. Currently, the only official center recognized by the AWSNA and WECAN is in Cuernavaca and has been providing training for Mexico and Latin America for more than 12 years. It is the Anthroposophical Development Center (CDA). The CDA is the only associate member as teaching training in Mexico to the AWSNA.

The Anthroposophical Development Center (CDA) and UMAI have joined forces to promote the training of Waldorf teachers in northern Mexico. Together we will start the first Waldorf training seminar in the city of Monterrey, starting on July 27, 2020.


September 2021


Our School for Mothers and Fathers is free to our community and open to the public. During the pandemic we moved the format to virtual and you can access all the talks recorded on our Facebook and some are also available on the Umai/Escuela Blog for mothers and fathers .

In addition, we invite collaborators, professionals and friends to use our facilities.

Some of these activities may have a cost or voluntary donation.

Please contact us if you have an idea or proposal for the Waldorf pedagogy that you want to carry out in our facilities.

©2020 by Umai. Proudly created with

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